Today is the big day. My book Systematic Trading - A unique new method for designing trading and investing systems is officially released (although some people who ordered the ebook may already be reading it).
Here is a picture of my new "baby":
Even in this age of technology there is something cool about having produced an actual physical book, and I'm dead chuffed (note to non-native english speakers - this means terribly pleased). But don't just take my word for it, at least one other person thought it was good (apart from my mother, who thought it was amazing, even though if I'm being honest she may not have grasped some of the finer points):
"A remarkable look inside systematic trading never seen before, spanning the range from small to institutional traders. This isn't only for algorithmic traders, it's valuable for anyone needing a structure - which is all of us. Carver explains how to properly test, apply constant risk, size positions and portfolios, and my favorite, his "no rule" trading rule, all explained with scenarios. Reading this will benefit all traders."
Perry Kaufman, author of Trading Systems and Methods, 5th Edition (Wiley, 2013)
Anyway, you can find out more about the book here:
Or if you already know you want a copy then you can buy it here:
If you'd like to hear more then I will be talking about my book in various places (both actual and virtual) over the next few months. Keep an eye on this page for more details.
It only remains for me to thank anyone who has already ordered the book, or will do so in the future, and to hope that you enjoy it. Systematic Trading Systematic_Trading_Book